Very Fine Wine® Weigela

Bold pink flowers carried on branches covered in black and purple foliage .This adaptable shrub is low maintenance and resistant to deer. Use any sunny spot needing a powerhouse of color and bloom.

Wine & Spirits® Weigela

This vigorous, handsome variety combines dark foliage with white flowers. Its a showstopper in any garden

Longwood Purple American Wisteria

A beautiful cultivar producing rich purple flowers with shorter racemes in May and June. It establishes faster than most wisterias .

Blue Moon Kentucky Wisteria

The hardiest wisteria! Blooms up to three times a year once established .Foot long racemes of fragrant lavender blue flowers. This is an excellent vine for large sturdy arbors, pergolas, fences or walls.

Tiny Wine® Gold Ninebark

Brilliant yellow new growth, small refined foliage and clusters of pink and white flowers make this an easy choice for perennial gardens, foundation plantings ,and other landscape features . Smaller than the average nine bark .

Katsura Japanese Andromeda

Pink spring blooms cascade over green foliage. New growth emerges red changing to green with age spring through summer. Suitable for containers and landscape use.

Sarabande Japanese Andromeda

Dwarf plant with dainty chains of bell shaped white flowers . New growth emerges bronze and matures to green . Deer resistant it can be used as an accent plant or landscape plant .

Bloomerang® Dwarf Pink Lilac

Dwarf habit taking a fraction of the space of other lilacs. Pure pink blooms cover the plant in late spring then rebloom summer through fall. Deer resistant.

STING ™ Arborvitae

The tight, columnar growth pattern make this great as a specimen or screen for narrow sites. Pruning is usually not necessary.

Czechmark Sunny Side Up® Weigela

Distinctive for its white flowers that have a yellow spot in the center. Heavier blooming than a typical weigela They are suitable as a border plant, good for screening and mass planting. Deer resistant

Czechmark Trilogy® Weigela

Blooming in three colors at once Red, Pink, White all on one plant. Dead heading is not necessary ,Leaves are glossy green. Prune immediately after blooming. Deer resistant

Czechmark Twopink® Weigela

Flowering in a gorgeous deep pink paired with glossy green foliage that really makes the flowers pop. Use as a border plant, screen, or edging the uses are endless. Deer Resistant

Candy Swirl™ Honeysuckle

Long blooming the fragrant light pink and orange flowers bloom throughout the summer giving way to blue tinged fruit in the fall evergreen in mild climates it shows well in the winter . Requires a structure to twine on it is resistant to disease and attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Peaches and Cream Honeysuckle

Fragrant flowers emerge from purple buds early to late summer on this compact vine . Trained on a fence trellis or lamp post it makes an excellent addition to any garden.

Celtic Pride Siberian Cypress

Evergreen with fern like foliage. Super hardy it tolerates dry conditions and is untouched by deer. In the winter it takes on a russet purple tone.

Pink Velour® Crapemyrtle

Pink flowers are crinkly and vibrant and last for months on the branch tips . Exfoliating bark and orange fall color make this a multi season beauty.

Tonto Crape Myrtle

Large clusters of magenta blooms grace this semi dwarf multi stemmed shrub. Colorful bark and orange red fall color add year round interest.

Enduring Lavender Crapemyrtle

Lavender flowers bloom continuously from summer to fall .New foliage emerges red maturing to a dark green , A dwarf habit makes this the perfect choice for containers and the shrub border.

Yezberry® Solo™ Japanese Haskap

Easy to grow with super delicious fruit. Yellow flowers in spring give way to plump blue fruits in summer. Grows well in sun or shade and isn’t fussy about soil. Fruits on old wood.

Patti O Box® Japanese Holly

Much darker than typical ilex with glossier leaves. This petite evergreen is right sized for small gardens and containers and is perfect for flanking formal entryways.

Castle Spire® Hybrid Blue Holly

Dark glossy leaves superior vigor and branching make it ideal for hedges, foundation and specimen plantings . Evergreen foliage provides year round interest.

Fizzy Mizzy™ Sweetspire

Early summer bloom time brings an abundance of bright white upright flower spikes and a sweet fragrance that attracts people and pollinators. Dark green leaves and small size make it suitable for any garden.

Zuni Crapemyrtle

Lavender flowers ,attractive bark, fall color, improved disease resistance make this plant suitable for the border, containers, specimen and mass plantings.

Puffer Fish Hydrangea

Flowers open pure white as they age they turn lime green then a fresh sprig of white flowers emerges from the tip on sturdy compact stems.

Tiny Quick Fire™ Hydrangea

This small and versatile hydrangea is great for the front of the border, mass planting, containers white blooms age to red pink.

Let’s Dance® Can Do™Bigleaf Hydrangea

Rich violet-purple flowers in acidic soils saturated pink in basic ones. Unique budding along the whole stem not just the top. Fast reblooming insures a longer flowering season.

L.A. Dreamin’ ® Hydrangea

Occurring on new and old wood the Red, Pink, Lavender and Blue Flowers are unaffected by soil ph. This compact plant blooms reliably every year.

Little Lime Punch™ Panicle Hydrangea

Blooms emerge lime green, then change slowly from the bottom up to white, pink, red, all on the same bloom. As it reblooms the four colors mix for a unique and memorable show.

Blushing Bride Bigleaf Hydrangea

Blooms all season on new wood and old, the big white mophead flowers age to pink or blue depending on soil ph. Versatile it grows in large containers or garden beds. Excellent in fresh or dried arrangements.

Bloomstruck Hydrangea

A compact plant with blooms that change colors depending on soil ph. Ideal as an accent plant or in the shrub border.

Blue Chiffon Rose of Sharon

Large single blue flowers with a lacy center have a bold and delicate look similar to an anemone flower. The blue color combines well with late summer perennials.

Magenta Chiffon® Rose of Sharon

Large saturated magenta powderpuff blooms with a graceful habit that moves in the breeze and is not stiff like other rose of Sharon with a low seed set for fewer seedlings .

Incrediball® Blush Smooth Hydrangea

The strong stems hold massive blooms that rebloom throughout the season. Excellent in the landscape or as a cut flower deadheading is not needed for this cold hardy Hydrangea.

Aphrodite Sweetshrub

Glossy green leaves on this large shrub are joined by enormous deep red fragrant flowers. Give this large shrub plenty of space.

Show Off ® Forsythia

Show Off puts other forsythia to shame its branches are covered top to bottom with yellow blooms.

Lil’ Kim® Red Rose of Sharon

Dwarf size and dark green foliage combined with red blooms all summer make this a desirable plant for the garden or containers.

Leyland Cypress

Popular, fast growing pyramidal evergreen tree with branches of flattened blue-green foliage sprays. Adaptable to a wide range of growing conditions. Superior quick screen or windbreak.

CranRazz Butterfly Bush

This free flowering plant bears 8″ long cranberry red flowers that start in spring and continue till frost . Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds.

‘Wine And Weigela

Rosy pink flowers appear in late spring and often rebloom in summer. Rich dark purple foliage all summer. Season long color. Deer resistant. Attracts hummingbirds.

Amethyst Falls Wisteria

This stunning, compact deciduous vine displays weeping clusters of lightly fragrant, amethyst-purple flowers in late spring. Excellent as a cover for trellis or arbor. Can be grown in large containers or trained as a specimen plant.

‘My Weigela

Pink spring flowers and green and white variegated foliage all season long. Dwarf plant needs no pruning. Season long color. Dwarf. Deer resistant.

My Weigela

This unique little weigela has very attractive gold foliage and nice red fall color. Grown primarily for its colorful foliage, it will occasionally produce soft, rosy pink flowers. Add it to the front of beds and borders for multi-season color.

Sonic Bloom Weigela

Lipstick red flowers in spring. Repeat flowers until frost. Reblooms without deadheading. Attracts hummingbirds.

Sonic Weigela

Loads of hot pink flowers in May are followed by waves of blooms until frost.  No deadheading is needed to see strong reblooming through summer and fall.

Spilled Weigela

Wider than tall with deep purple foliage, and pink flowers. Perfect for edging beds and walkways or under windows. Deer resistant.

Mariesii Doublefile Viburnum

Rounded, deciduous shrub with tiered, horizontal branches. Leaves mature dark green and change to reddish purple in fall. Large, showy, white flowers grace the branches in late spring. Red fruit in fall is very ornamental.

Burkwoodi Viburnum

Upright, well branched, evergreen shrub with aristocratic dark olive green foliage. During April and May, pink buds open into very fragrant, white flowers. Small, oval fruit is red to black. Easy to grow in the shrub bed or border.

Prague Viburnum

Attractive evergreen shrub with lustrous dark green leaves. Flowers are pink in bud, opening to creamy white in 3-6″ wide clusters in spring. Excellent for use as a screen, hedge or accent plant.

Alleghany Viburnum

A great multi-season shrub, with dark green leathery leaves. It will produce lovely clusters of white blooms in the spring, which are followed by bright red berries. The berries will become a glossy black as they mature. Semi-evergreen.

‘Fine Weigela

Pink spring flowers, dark burgundy foliage on a compact mounded habit. A great plant for the front of the border, the perennial bed, or foundation plant.

Winterthur Smooth Viburnum

Clusters of fragrant creamy-white flowers in spring cover this showy, deciduous shrub, followed by a colorful mix of deep pink and bluish-purple berries in striking contrast to the wine-red fall foliage.

Shasta Viburnum

Elegant flowering shrub with broad, horizontal branching habit and abundant, pure white flowers that nearly cover the foliage. Flowers are followed in summer by bright red fruits that mature to black. Superb mass or accent plant.

Summer Snowflake Viburnum

Waves of vibrant, snow white lace-cap flowers bloom continually from spring to frost. The dark green foliage takes on an outstanding maroon color in fall.

Doublefile Viburnum

Broadly rounded deciduous shrub with distinct, horizontal, tiered branching. White flowers cover branches in spring followed by bright red fruit in summer. Vivid red to purple fall color. Ideal for specimen, screen or shrub border.

Cardinal Candy Viburnum

White flowers in spring and red berries in fall, this extremely hardy plant is well branched and fits nicely into the landscape, will set fruit without a pollinator.

Green Giant Arborvitae

Tall upright evergreen with pyramidal to conical habit. Glossy, fragrant, rich green foliage stays all year. Tolerates a wide range of soils. Drought tolerant once established. Deer resistant. Excellent for screening, background or specimen.

Koreanspice Viburnum

Upright, rounded deciduous shrub with dense, spreading branches adorned with grayish-green leaves. Fragrant pinkish-white buds open to pure white flowers in spring. Bright red fruit turns black in late summer.

Spice Baby Viburnum

Fragrant spring blooms, on a compact plant, a great choice for smaller landscapes.

Blue Muffin Viburnum

White spring flowers, and blue fruits if a different selection is planted nearby, It’s ideal as a hedge or specimen plant .Deer may eat flowers but rarely cause significant damage.

Chicago Lustre Arrowwood Viburnum

Multi-stemmed shrub with creamy white flowers in spring. Makes a spectacular display in fall with clusters of blue-black fruit amid lustrous burgundy foliage. Excellent for borders, screens and mass plantings.

Mr. Bowling Ball Arborvitae

Slow growing evergreen with medium green foliage. Dense foliage needs no pruning to remain neat and tidy. Great for mass planting or specimen topiary work. However you use it, you will make a strike every time!

Fire Chief Arborvitae

Handsome dense evergreen shrub that requires no shearing to maintain its globe form. Spring foliage is bright yellow, matures to rich green in summer and turns deep red in fall. Great planted en masse.

Dark American Arborvitae

Cold hardy, pyramidal evergreen shrub with dense, flattened sprays of soft, dark green leaves that retain their color throughout the winter. Heat and drought tolerant, once established. Ideal accent, hedge or specimen.

North Pole Arborvitae

Narrow upright columnar habit is perfect for narrow sites as a specimen or screen. Little care is needed. Evergreen. Hardy, resists winter burn. Excellent landscape plant.

Emerald Green Arborvitae

Dense, pyramidal tree with ascending branches. Bright, emerald green foliage. Keeps its color in winter. Cold hardy and heat tolerant. Good hedge, specimen or accent.

Krasavitsa Moskvy Lilac

One of the finest lilacs with fragrant, double, delicate pale-pink flowers produced abundantly in early to mid-May on a vigorous upright plant. Excellent as a cut flower. Provides years of satisfaction.

Donald Wyman Lilac

In late spring, its pink-purple flowers open, perfuming the air and inviting butterflies and hummingbirds. It produces plenty of flower clusters, so you’ll have some for cutting and bringing indoors

James MacFarlane Lilac

The irresistible scent of the spring blossoms on this upright shrub make it worth having in your landscape. The blooms are produced in abundance against heart-shaped leaves. Makes a good cut flower.

Miss Canada Lilac

Late blooming lightly fragrant rosy pink flowers appear on arched branches. Heart shaped leaves are dark green and change to a buttery yellow in is attracting to butterflies and hummingbirds is hardy, and deer resistant

Anna’s Thuja Magic Ball Arborvitae

Bright yellow foliage holds its color year round ,this dwarf evergreen needs no pruning to keep its tight rounded shape and makes a nice addition to perennial beds , rock gardens and containers

Bloomerang ® Dark Purple Lilac

Fragrant dark purple blooms appear in md-late spring. Reblooming begins in mid-late summer. Bloomerang lilacs have enhanced disease resistance.

Miss Kim Lilac

Small-leaved deciduous shrub with deep purple buds that open to fragrant lavender flowers in spring. Plant near a walkway or window where fragrance can be enjoyed. Good foundation plant or hedge.

Common Lilac

Purple to lilac flowers blooming in May are fragrant. It is extremely hardy and thrives with little care, Upright to irregular, multi stemmed shrub.

Snowmound Spirea

Neat deciduous shrub with a spreading growth habit and blue-green foliage. Clusters of pure white flowers cover the plant in spring. Excellent informal low hedge. Adds vibrant color to shrub borders.

Anthony Waterer Spirea

Dense growing deciduous shrub with new foliage tinted maroon, maturing to green. Flat-topped, bright carmine flower clusters appear throughout summer. Good low hedge or accent. Delightful small plant for the front of shrub borders.

Goldflame Spirea

Fine-textured mound of golden foliage studded with flat-topped clusters of pink flowers in summer. Leaves emerge orange in spring, turning yellow in summer, with orange fall color. Unusual color accent in any landscape.

Magic Carpet Spirea

Low spreading dwarf, deciduous shrub. Vibrant red shoots emerge in spring and mature into bright green foliage with bronze-red tips. Clusters of deep pink flowers cover this compact plant in summer.

Vanhouttei Spirea

Vigorous spreading shrub with blue-green foliage and clusters of tiny, pure white flowers on arching branches in spring. Orange-red fall foliage color. Excellent screen, informal hedge, accent or focal point in the landscape.

Dwarf Korean Lilac

An unusually dwarf, low spreading variety of lilac with reddish-purple buds opening to single pale-lilac flowers with small, clean, dark green foliage. This ornamental shrub blooms profusely with fragrant flowers at an early age.

Baby Kim Lilac

Fragrant purple blooms and a small rounded habit. One of the smallest lilacs it has flower power above its glossy dark green foliage.

Goldmound Spirea

This low-growing deciduous shrub has a fine-textured mound of golden foliage studded with flat-topped clusters of pink flowers in summer. Yellow to orange fall color adds great cool season interest. Unusual color accent in the landscape.

Little Princess Spirea

Mounding deciduous shrub with dainty foliage and pink flower clusters during summer. Has a neat, compact, rounded form, covered with mint green foliage. Use in borders or as a low hedge. Excellent source of long-blooming summer color.

Neon Flash Spirea

Compact, mounding shrub with purple new foliage maturing to green. Vivid red flower clusters appear in late spring through fall. Unusual color accent. Good shrubby groundcover.

Shirobana Spirea

Finely textured deciduous shrub with white, pink and red flowers appearing together in clusters throughout summer. Attractive accent in the shrub border or use as a colorful low hedge.

Red’Spiraea Play

Double Play Red is a flower color breakthrough, with nearly-red flowers. Add in showy dark burgundy spring foliage and you’ve got the perfect double play! 

Double Spiraea

New foliage emerges deep red in early spring. In Late spring through early fall the purple-red flowers keep coming, Non -invasive.

Dakota Goldcharm Spirea

An extremely dwarf size shrub with showy golden leaves and bright pink flowers blooming in early summer. Spring foliage is light bronze turning yellowish-gold in summer, then pinkish-red in fall. Adds interesting color contrast.

Double Play’ ® Spiraea

Double Play spiraeas have both colorful flowers and colorful foliage. In addition to vibrant pink summer flowers, Double Play Artisan has rich purple red new growth in spring. You’ll get months of vibrant color from this adaptable, easy to grow plant. It maintains its compact, mounded shape with very little pruning, and has more vivid […]

Double Play ® Spiraea

Double play Big Bang has extra large pink blossoms and colorful new growth when its not in bloom. Its drought tolerant, deer resistant, grows and blooms well in partial shade, and maintains a neat shape without pruning.

Double Play® Spiraea

The show starts in early spring when the new growth emerges bright candy apple red. As it matures, it turns pineapple yellow, and the new growth continues to emerge bright orange all season. Top it off with dark purple flowers in late spring/early summer, and you’ve got a display you really have to see to […]

Yaku Princess Rhododendron

Ball-shaped trusses of apple blossom-pink blooms accented with green spotting on the petals cover this dense, compact evergreen shrub in late spring, providing a lovely contrast to the dark green felted foliage.